
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Daily Assignment #48: Summarizer- Ticket to Leave

Ticket to Leave is a great summarizer to use if there is only a little time left in the class or day.  Students write or verbally respond to something about their learning.  Responses can be written in a journal, on a slip of paper handed to the teacher, as they leave the room, or said to the whole class, or said to the teacher as they leave the room.

For example:

  • 1 important thing you learned about ....  
  • What is 1 question you have...?
  • Solve this problem...
  • What might be the reasons for....?
  • What is the Main Ideas ...?
  • Name 3 liquids.
  • Name 3 gasses
  • 2 important things you learned on the field trip
  • What study strategy will you use tonight to prepare for the test?

I hope you will experiment with this strategy and let us know how it goes.

In the meantime, please share this blog site with colleagues and friends.
If you haven't already, consider becoming a "Follower".

Best Effort,

1 comment:

  1. The summary determination be noticeably shorter than some content that is reality summarized. A many of persons receive stumps putting a multiple of intelligences toward fewer wordsб essentially during active among brochure summarizer. They suitable cannot appear to process external how elite to compose a summary summarize online to arrest the primary minutes further guard it educational. The effective online summarizer befalls in near for dutys such as these.
