
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Daily Assignment #24: Multiple Intelligences

We're all familiar with Howard Gardner's work on multiple intelligences.  Gardner has identified 8 intelligence, which are listed below:

  • Spatial
  • Linguistic
  • Logical-mathematical
  • Bodily-kinesthetic
  • Musical
  • Interpersonal
  • Intrapersonal
  • Naturalistic

 So, what does this mean for a classroom teacher?
Well, it means that as we plan our lessons we need to think about these intelligences and how we might incorporate them into our lesson.
For example: 

Spatial--use graphics, drawings, maps, pictures, visualizations, videos, art, graphic organizers, illustrations, smartboards 

Linguistic--speaking, dialogues, debates, plays, narratives 

Logical/Mathematical--reasoning, deductive & inductive logic, facts, data, organizing, analyzing, assessments, outlines, timelines, analogies, patterns, problemsolving, formulas 

Bodily/Kinesthetic--art, activity, action, hands on experiments, drama, sports, manipulatives, touch, field trips, role playing, learning centers, labs, games, cooperative learning activities 

Musical--music, rhythm, pacing, chorus, jingles, background music, songs 

Interpersonal--interactions, share, talk, socialize, clubs, working in pairs, group work, think-pair-share 

Intrapersonal--solitude, think time, reflection,journal, self-assess, set goals, write, introspection, independent assignments 

Naturalist--exploring nature, outdoor education, observation, identification, classifying, categorizing, living things, field trips, ecology studies

As you plan a lesson for next week, try to include, within that lesson, at least 2 strategies to address 2 different multiple intelligences.

When planning a unit of study, include as many of the intelligences as possible.  You and the students will meet with more success.

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Best Effort,

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