
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Daily Assignment #53:Activator/Summarizer: Get One-Give One-Move On

Get One-Give One-Move On, is a strategy to help students brainstorm key ideas on a topic/reading to activate prior knowledge and build background knowledge, OR to help students to summarize and synthesize key concepts in  reading.  

To make a Get One-Give One-Move On:
  1. Set up a box matrix with six or nine boxes.
  2. Have students think of a question they have or an important idea about the topic/reading and write it in the first box. 
  3. Set up a rotation pattern (e.g., pass to the left) by telling students to pass the sheet to another student. Another way might be to have students get up and find someone to exchange papers with.
  4. Students read what was written in the first box and write an idea in box 2.  No ideas can be repeated on a paper.  If their idea already appears on the paper, the student has to think of another idea to write. 
  5. Students continue passing on each paper,or exchanging papers, reading the ideas, and adding new ideas until all the boxes are filled with ideas. 
  6. Each sheet is returned to the original owner to read and reflect upon. 
To take this strategy to the next level, have students write a summary using the ideas on their paper.

Possible Topics: 
  • Writing topics
  • Reasons for the Civil War
  • Reasons for the Civil Rights Movement
  • Geometric shapes
  • classroom rules/expectations
  • healthy snacks
  • rules for basketball
  • woodwind instruments
  • words with 4 syllables
  • Reptiles
  • Warm blooded animals
The Give One - Get One strategy does take some prep and it can be tough to teach students the procedure the first few times around. However, it's well worth it because it gets students to engage in academic conversation in a low-risk environment. By the time it's time for a class discussion, each student has already practiced sharing an idea with a few peers. It keeps every student accountable and is a great way to increase the energy of the class!

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Best Effort,

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