Well, it's that time of year. A lot of you have already completed another school year and still others are almost there. If you are among those trying to figure out how to bring closure to your school year take a look at Daily Assignments #66-68.
I have been working on a new edition of my book, Daily Assignment: At-A-Glance: 70 Effective Teaching Strategies, which I am very excited about. It will include many more effective strategies and hopefully for a lot less money.
I was very fortunate to connect with a freelance editor who really has improved the quality of my book. I highly recommend this person if you are ever in need of an editor. Please email me for his contact information.
I will let you all know when the 2nd edition is published.
In the meantime, have a wonderful, safe, healthy and well deserved summer.
I hope to reconnect with all of you in August.
Best Effort,